what else do i need
i don't mind that i've come back here again
in a place so far away from normal life
they are racing to a prison they will never leave
worshipping a system i just don't believe
i could stay right here
and never ever leave
what else do i need?
i know that you don't like me
that's all right today
i love you but you bore me
don't fuck up my day
i could stay right here
and never ever leave
what else do i need?
people worry that i don't do anything
i think they really wonder why i'm not like them
they are racing to a prison they will never leave
worshipping a system i just don't believe
i could stay right here
and never ever leave
what else do i need?
what else do i need?
what else do i need?
date submitted: april 11, 2001
Every time I here this song I think of my best friend, Jess. She and I have the best of times together. I often find myself wrapped in her arms laying in her bed and not really saying anything, but having this song or at least the phrase stuck in my mind. To pick it apart I could say that even the "I love you, but you bore me don't fuck up my day" line fits in. She and I have things on our mind all the time, and sometimes I think we both don't want to say them because it might be something we both don't want to hear.
When I go to her house, it's a completely different universe to me. I'm wrapped up in it's warmth. It makes me feel content: a feeling that I never have in normal life. I think it's because she and I are so different to other people at times. We're not like them in the way we carry our emotions. It's just an amazing feeling to me to feel as though there is nothing else I could ever want... I'd die if I couldn't feel it every now and then...